To some extent, our story can be your story as well.
I am Adriana Brăescu, a mother of two “unschooled” but educated children, and I am arguing that the school should regain its status, by means of neurosciences. I am a biologist, I have a specialisation in neurobiology, and I aim to change the concept of writing, reading, and arithmetic into relationships, responsibility and respect for life.
I built Asociația Re-Design and CEREHARD, first of all, out of a personal need. However, the final product is unique. It conveys the hallmark of the British system, with which I interacted as a scholarship holder and without which the educational alternatives proposed by CEREHARD was not possible legally.
I first heard of homeschooling and unschooling in 2007 from a documentary about whales. An oceanologist talked about the years spent in Cape Verde, in a camper van, while studying whales’ migration. He and his whole family.
How come the children were not at school during this time? Homeschooling, he said. His children had learned directly from the source, from nature, through constant experimentation, much more than what they would have learned in school, using a board and chalk.
At that point, I thought to myself: I want that too!
I am a biologist too, I can handle mathematics, chemistry and physics, and I speak fluently two foreign languages. I also sing, play the piano, paint, read, etc. In short, I have and can provide all the knowledge needed to educate my children. Most importantly, I have discernment, and I can also teach my children to distinguish the authentic from the counterfeit.
As a mother, I made a lot of mistakes. At first, I tried, out of fear, to impose a program, a discipline. I blackmailed, I scolded, and I hit the walls, both literally and figuratively. Then, something changed. I gave up control. I let them, the little ones, do what they wanted, without arguing with them, without asking them to be anything other than what they wanted.
“Mom, don’t bother with me no more because I’m stupid, and we’ll see what I’m going to do in life.”
Miruna told me when she left public school.
For the next three years, she drew a lot since she could not draw as much as she wanted while being enrolled in public school. Then she met Roxana Drăgănoiu (a CEREHARD tutor), who opened her horizon to mathematics through graphics and made her forget that she is “stupid”. Now, almost 20 years old, her interests are for the Japanese language, bioinformatics, and mathematics combined with art.
Radu has had no contact with the traditional school. He was only a “passenger” on several kindergarten programs. He has an extraordinary imagination, and his world is so different from ours that I get dizzy when I enter it, occasionally. I do not know what his future holds, but for now, he speaks fluent English (at age 15 level), talks freely with absolutely anyone, and sees things that we, adults raised on different coordinates, no longer know how to see.
Miruna and Radu have gained a valuable experience for the rest of their lives, the discernment and selection of quality information, experience that my generation could not even dream about.
You only get here when you are ready for it.
Understand yourself and your children, and you will find the best solution for their development.