The etymology of “school” is from the Latin schola or the Greek skhole – “intermission of work, leisure for learning, learned conversation, debate, meeting place for teachers and students, place of instruction”.
That is what we offer at CEREHARD – the acronym, in Romanian, of Re-Design NGO Resource Centre for Holistic Education.
CEREHARD is a British Curriculum School EOTAS type (Education otherwise than at standard school), an educational paradigm shift based on neuroscience research. Children learn through multidisciplinary and cross-curricular projects, which include activities for all ages.
There is no humanities versus science, no science versus arts dualism. We promote holism – the approach of the whole complex system – the uni or multiverse of each 10 to any number you can perceive. When needed, you can turn to facilitators and mentors. We support you in the learning process chosen by each family, through personalised resources and guidance.
We offer a legal framework in which children carry out a “slow learning” with major and beneficial repercussions for the rest of their lives.
If you want to be a role model, friend and source of knowledge for your children.
Holism is a mental attitude, and holistic education is done through interdisciplinary projects.
It has become an option available to more and more parents.
Questions and answers in order to learn together with our children.